How to design a Bespoke Security Operations Centre for your organisation

Taking the right steps to make sure that you provide your business and your clients with the best protection you can offer against cyber-attacks, phishing, hackers and more means that you need to make sure you have the right tools for your business.

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Your Security Operations Centre must change with the times

Remember: Not every Security Operations Centre (SOC) that can be provided by a Managed Outsourced IT Support Partner is the same. Business requirements vary, client needs vary and no SOC will ever be the same.

Also, keep in mind that your SOC will be an ever-changing line of defence for your business and your clients.

As cyber-attacks, phishing, hackers and more find new ways to try and break down your defence to gain important credentials and information, your SOC neds to be ready to evolve and be upgraded or upscaled to cope with this changing landscape.

Designing the right Security Operations Centre for your needs

Designing an operating model will help you plan ahead financially and understand the components required when building a SOC, more specifically for your business needs.

It acts as the foundation for the various aspects of your design. By considering the threat you are faced with, and the assets you are monitoring, you will be in a position to design a Target Operating Model (TOM) that meets your requirements.

Before we go on, let’s look at what the description of a Target Operating Model (TOM) is:

Target Operating Model (TOM):

“A Target Operating Model is a description of the desired state of the operating model of an organisation. When working on the operating model, it is normal to define the “as is” model and the “to be” model. The target operating model is the “to be” model, and the end result is that as a business you wish to achieve.

The design will change, this is the way of TOM Design

A TOM design considers your requirements and illustrates how the various components of a SOC are related and how they work together to deliver security that meets the requirements of your organisation.

It’s important to be pragmatic and honest with your operating model so that what you’re aiming for is proportionate and achievable. That said, it should be developed with growth and expansion in mind so that you can adapt the capability of your SOC as your requirements and threats change over time.

Like most designs, this will evolve and change as you go, so don’t expect to stick to your original design, it’s an ever-changing process to guard against an ever-changing online and digital landscape.

Remember what you’re designing is a target operating model and it may take years to implement it fully to meet your requirements and along the way, they will be different versions.

The Golden Rule

It’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to how you build your SOC. The final result will be a SOC that you need for your business, and clients and one that will evolve over time as your threats and challenges adapt to your defences.

Know your Threats and Challenges, build a better defence with that knowledge

Part of the benefit of having a Managed Outsourced IT Support Partner on board is that they already know the threats and challenges that are faced by your business from cyber-attacks, phishing etc.

With this prior knowledge, the key to designing and building the best SOC is already in place.

Knowledge is King and putting that knowledge to the best use means that your SOC will not only have the chance to provide the best defence currently, but it also means that your SOC will also be in a position to be upscaled and future-proofed against newer threats and challenges.

If you know what you are up against, you know what the best defence is, but remember, in this day in age, you cannot put perfect protection in place. The best protection your Managed Outsourced IT Support Partner can provide is the one that defends against today’s threats and is ready to adapt against tomorrow’s threats.

Once you know, you can start laying foundations

Having developed a design of the threats that your organisation is trying to defend itself against and a picture of the assets you need to monitor, you can now start to consider what your operating model should include.

Having gone through the process of determining your threat profile, defining the SOC scope, and evaluating what services would be proportionate for your SOC, you should be in a position to put it all together.

From this point, your Managed Outsourced IT Support Partner is now in a position to begin building the foundations of your Bespoke, Adaptable line of defence, known as your Security Operations Centre.