Back in the day all routers where designed for one function….bringing the broadband to life at a single point of entry.
There would usually be one port to wire your computer into and that was that, internet access.
Fast forward to now and every other broadband advert is NOT only about the speed and type of broadband (fast, superfast, ultrafast etc) but also how cool their router is and how they will guarantee the best Wi-Fi coverage for your home.
Almost every network supplied router, when a laptop or PC is plugged directly in to the device, does what it says on the tin and the advertised speed is obtained.
When connecting to the Wi-Fi, the connection speeds vary and diminish over longer distances, especially in the older, thick stone walled countryside houses.
A network cannot ‘guarantee’ consistent Wi-Fi coverage as they have not done or never will do an air frequency survey. This is to check what other Wi-Fi signals are floating around from all the other neighbouring Wi-Fi routers and also checks what frequency setting each is using.
Most routers are connected in one corner of the room where is the incoming copper or fibre enters the building and then the kids are moaning about slow internet, even if you have a modern service!
The size, shape, and makeup of the walls and ceilings, as well as the building materials used, all contribute to how great, mediocre, or absolutely diabolical the experience is when using the multitude of devices that now connect via Wi-Fi.
Multiple phones, tablets, Hive/Nest, Sky Q, Smart TVs, Apps on your phone for Electric Vehicle charge points and the list goes on.
In an office environment, the story is slightly different as offices and commercial spaces have data cabling installed for wired connections in the main.
However, Wi-Fi coverage is in big demand, and for commercial applications, a lot more technical planning, with a higher level of skill set and knowledge, is required.
As with any good engineer, if they deal in commercial applications, advising on domestic requirements is a walk in the park….but don’t trust a ‘home’ engineer to do a large-scale commercial deployment.
Wi-Fi can work extremely well if you have the know-how!
Don’t get caught out, get in touch with the Maximum Networks team team today on 0330 102 7444 or using our contact form